Wednesday Wisdom: A Message from Dr. Paula on National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

Today is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day so I’m writing to share my thoughts about taking care of our health. Over the years, I’ve learned that staying healthy is so important, no matter how old we are or how busy life gets. 

As some of you know, I’m 75 years young and my life is very full! Being the CEO of Win Win Women and the Director of the Women’s Global Alliance keeps me extremely busy, and I love my life! However, I know that I need to take care of myself to keep up with everything. So, almost every day I make time for a walk. It’s nothing fancy—just a vigorous walk—to help me stay healthy and strong. 


Why Your Health Matters
When you take care of yourself you have more energy to do the things you love and to help others. And the good news is – it’s never too late to start making choices that will improve your health. I invite you to consider doing these 3 things daily:

  • Make wise food (and drink) choices.
  • Move more.
  • Sleep enough (getting enough sleep is very important).

Let’s celebrate National Women’s Health and Fitness Day by making good choices every day!

With so much love,
Dr. Paula Noble Fellingham