My Dear Friends,
As I thought about my message this week – during such a tumultuous time – my heart urged me to share my thoughts about something we are all blessed with… it’s actually our superpower… the magnificent power of choice.
Yes, within each one of us is the ability and the ever-present possibility of choosing how we respond to everything around us… to everything we hear, read, see… we can choose our responses to it all.
Today I lovingly invite you to notice your reactions to the contention and conflict in the world. Then, ask yourself two important questions: “How am I choosing to respond to the negativity around me/all of us?” And, “Do my words and actions add to the contention or to the goodness in the world?”
My friends, I love that we have the opportunity each day of our lives to stand as beacons of light; to hold our lights high so we can light the way for others. This is a choice that begins with our thoughts.
Of course, I understand that there are days that we’re simply not as strong as other days, and days that we doubt that our good examples make any difference at all. However, I promise you that if you look for the good – if you seek the sunlight instead of the storms – and if you continue doing your best to lighten the loads and lift the hearts of those who are traveling this “earth path” with you, your efforts will not be in vain. Your good intentions will be noticed and appreciated, and your heart will confirm your worthy aspirations to sincerely help and strengthen others, thereby leaving a legacy of light and love.
So, dear ones, especially at this time when conflict, contention, and chaos abound, let us each make a conscious effort to move our thoughts, words, and actions from…
anxious to calm
envious to grateful
angry to forgiving
discouraged to motivated
resentful to compassionate
regretful to accepting
stressed to relaxed
bitter to appreciative
disheartened to inspired
hurt to healed
hopeless to hopeful.