Global Women Network Circles
Win Win Women Circles are being formed now – worldwide – out of the love Win Win Women have for the women of the world.
Circles are one of the many ways Win Win Women fulfill our mission to reach, teach, and talk with billions of women and girls so they can improve their lives and be more joyful, fulfilled, and financially secure.
Win Win Women Circles are small groups of 5 – 15 women who meet monthly – free – in Circle Directors’ homes. Circle Directors are volunteer (women) leaders who desire to help improve the lives of other women by directing and hosting a monthly meeting in their homes.
Circle Directors connect directly with the Win Win Women Executive Team. They are given special opportunities to expand their businesses, connect with international leaders, and be highlighted on the website and at Win Win Women Events around the world.
What do Circle members (free membership) receive?
Inclusion in an International Community of Caring Women
WWW Circles are designed to meet the needs of ALL women of all cultures and beliefs, within the caring Global Community of Win Win Women.
Excellent Resources
WWW Circle members are given nearly unlimited resources to help them improve in all areas of their lives.
Discount for Events
Circle Directors can attend Win Win Women Events at a discounted price AND attend a special Circle Directors (only) Session.
Resources for Circle Members

Live, Interactive Video Shows
LIVE, INTERACTIVE video Shows on many topics, presented by experts in their fields (Show Hosts) to help women in every area of their lives. Shows are live on, and after each presentation the recording stops and audience members can ask questions and participate in a conversation with the Show Host and other audience members.

Circle Pages on Our Website
Circle pages on the website where lots of “connecting and collaborating” is going on. This is the place where Circle photos are posted, ideas are exchanged, connections and collaborations between individuals and Circles (worldwide!) are made, Circle-to-Circle Celebrations are planned, and much more.

Support From Our Team
Support from the caring WIN WIN Women Executive Team. We work directly with Circle Directors to meet the needs of all Circles and their members. Join our Facebook Group and interact with other Circle Members.

Use Our Articles and Blogs
Articles and blogs on the website, written by experts on many topics.

Discount at Win Win Events
Attend our Win Win Women Events worldwide! See Events.

Attend the Win Win Weekly Call
Attend our Thursday Win Win Women Weekly Call to stay up to date on Win Win Women and connect with others around the world.
To Be Selected as a Circle Director, a Woman Must Have:

A serving, loving heart. She must love all women, regardless of their beliefs and/or choices.

Leadership abilities. She must have experience leading in some capacity. For example, leading a family, leading a community activity or organization, leading projects at work, etc.

An understanding that she will not use her Circle to promote her own personal cause or products (of course she can share information like others will, but she cannot promote her personal agenda).
How to Start Your Own Circle
The three parts of Win Win Women Circles are CELEBRATION, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, and SERVICE.
Each Circle gives itself a name (explanation below) and posts one or more photos of their monthly activity on the website.
There will be an Annual Circles Event in Las Vegas, NV, U.S. This fabulous (free!) event is for all Circle Directors and Circle participants (travel/accommodations not included).
As a Circle Director, you will follow these steps to create your own Circle:
1. Make a list of five (or up to 15) women who you will invite to join your Circle (free).
2. With your group of 5 to 15 women, you will decide which day of each month, and what time, your Circle will gather in your home (preferable) or wherever you decide to meet.
3. At each monthly Circle gathering women will:
- Enjoy snacks/food that each woman contributes (just a little; whatever they choose to bring). If a Sister cannot bring food, she is still welcome to participate.
- Gather in a circle (if possible) and repeat (all together) the Win Win Women Circle Theme (below).
- Go around the Circle and share each Sister’s progress with her personal goal(s) that she set previously (or let new sisters choose goals they want to reach). When individual goals are shared with participants, each woman should be positive/encouraging/supportive. We want to lovingly help our Sisters be accountable for the goals they want to achieve.
- ONE IDEA: Watch, or listen to, a Win Win Women Show (of your choice), then discuss it. Be sure to watch/listen quietly during the Show Host’s presentation, then join the conversation with the Show Host after her presentation. After the Show episode, turn it off and discuss the presentation/principles learned with Circle sisters and discuss individual goals.
- Together, decide on your next month’s activity, or decide on the next Show you’ll watch together during your next Circle gathering. Lastly, remind each other of the day/ place/ time for your next Circle gathering. Give hugs and share encouraging words as you leave.
Each individual Circle can choose to vary their agenda. For example, Circle Directors can choose to invite their friends to join their Circle (free). Or, they can choose to invite relatives, church friends, neighbors, etc.
Here are examples of Circle names and activities:
1. Circle name: “Sisters in Business” They help and support each other as they create/ grow/ develop their new or existing businesses. (The Circle could choose to have successful business women/ entrepreneurs as speakers each month, while also working on their individual goals.)
2. Circle name: “The Red-Hot Mamas” They all work on helping each other release their excess weight (lose weight) and have “healthful” food and speakers each month who talk about fitness, health, etc. (This Circle could choose to watch a Win Win Women Show on Health/Fitness each month.)
3. Circle name: “The Serving Sisters”. They do an act of service each month and then enjoy a meal at a restaurant.
4. Circle name: “A Circle of Mothers and Daughters”. Each month they take turns giving interesting/educational presentations. Mothers teach one month and daughters teach the next month. (This Circle could choose to watch Win Win Women Shows that the Mothers or Daughters chose, and then discuss it.)
Each time Circle Sisters meet they should include these two components: CELEBRATE and SELF-IMPROVE. Then, periodically Circles should SERVE others, in some way.
Each Circle is encouraged to post their photo(s), activities, etc. on the Win Win Women Circles pages each month AND reach out to other Circles for great ideas. We’ll help you with this!
Celebration Circle Directors should do their best to make each meeting memorable. Women should look forward to gathering each month because they’ll have fun, learn something new, serve others, and feel loved and supported by their Circle of Sisters.
Directors should call and/or email/text their group before each monthly Circle gathering to remind them. (They’re called “gatherings” not “meetings”.)
When your Circle exceeds 15 sisters, someone in the group must start another Circle (15 women is “max” for a highly-effective Circle).
Circle visitors are welcome (free)!
Our Circles work in collaboration with Win Win Women’s sister nonprofit organization, the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative and its project: Women of Excellence, Women of Faith (.org).
Theme for all Win Win Women Circles
We are women who care, connect, and collaborate as we help one another excel in every area of our lives. We love each Sister in our Circle, and we share our hearts in confidence, knowing we are safe here. We give and receive freely as we encourage and uplift one another.
As a global sisterhood, we will only succeed long-term if we offer very real solutions for the significant needs and concerns common to women. Here are a few of the needs, and the solutions that we offer:
Need: To know we are not alone with our concerns and challenges.
WWW Solution: We are there for our Sisters offering love, support, encouragement, friendship and monthly Circle gatherings.
Need: To know clearly how we can best use our time and talents and how we can contribute in meaningful ways to help solve the problems women face in our homes, communities, and nations.
WWW Solution: We are dream believers! We help you clearly define your goals and support you as you turn your dreams into realities.
Need: To know how to overcome the obstacles in our lives, and to find – and use – the tools and resources that can enrich our lives.
WWW Solution: We show you how to hurdle the barriers in your life and excel like you’ve never excelled before through an abundance of Win Win Women resources that we provide for Circle Sisters.
Need: To know how to fill our cups so we can give love from our overflow.
WWW Solution: Your cup will be filled to overflowing as you care, connect, and collaborate with Win Win Women locally and internationally.