Do you sometimes think about your life and wish you could have more fun?
Do you want to be happier and more cheerful?
Are you ready to add more fun and happiness into your life?

"I want more FUN and HAPPINESS in my life."
You’re not alone! Most women, worldwide, want to be happier and have more fun in their lives.
The good news is this…
Being happier and having more fun is absolutely possible!
There are experts who have studied this topic for years; they’ve written books and taught courses on happiness. These experts are dedicated and committed to helping women like you enjoy happier, more fulfilling lives.

If you are ready to receive the SOLUTIONS that these experts – our Win Win Women Show Hosts – are ready to give you, click here to watch – and enjoy – their Shows.
And more good news is that if you watch a “live” Show, you can interact with the Show Hosts in real time to ask questions, have a conversation, and talk with other women in the audience!
Watch Shows & Get Solutions!
Ceciliy Mwaniki – London, England
“I [attended] a WIN Global Women’s Summit that I flew from London to attend. It was a fantastic two day conference that completely rejuvenated me and my business. I came back well energized and I’ve not looked back since! I became like a new person and a much better businesswoman. I am now running a themed, empowering network for women. Thank you ~ you changed my life!”
Shanna Spicer, Author of Make Room For Love
Words will never be adequate to thank you for your words, energy, example, passion for your work and radiance of character! Just let me say how very much the past months with you have been so very needed by me, to keep my dreams alive! Thanks for all your shares! My own visions have expanded and you have made a big difference in my life.
Val McCloud – Savannah, GA
“The time has come. I’m on a fast track now. Much has manifested since the WIN Global Women’s Summit in Savannah. I’m in the early steps of having my own television show, clothing line and specialty food/water product line. I’ve also recently partnered with Delta to promote and expand their global healthy initiatives. I am their official spokesperson and will participate in their annual {my first} 5K in Atlanta. All things are possible when we believe!”
Cynthia Kennemer, Visalia, CA
Since [finding the WIN], I have grown in confidence and self-esteem in addition to learning how to be a highly successful businesswoman AND a better wife and mother! I know now that there are no limits to my success.
Roslyn Reynolds, Salt Lake City, UT:
Thank you for a truly life-changing weekend. I learned how to run my home business more effectively; ways to save incredible amounts in taxes; how to give great presentations; and, most important to me, specific ways to improve the relationships in my life.
Thank you for an uplifting, inspiring event! I will live my life differently from this day forward!
Linda Pringle-Evans, Columbus, Ohio, USA
“The Women’s Information Network has opened doors of opportunity for me both personally and professionally. I have become acquainted with some amazing women locally, nationally, and internationally. WIN Global Women’s Summits serve to uplift women personally, and in business and to expand opportunities around the world.”
Gail Page, CA
“What a fantastic two days! I learned and re-learned so much. How lucky we were to have you visit our town and share your gifts with us. You and your group changed lives and helped us remember what is good in the world. What a blessing to all of us that you came! Thank you so much.”
Lauren Hemming (20 years old), CA
“Seeing all the powerful, confident philanthropists and leaders of my community at this Summit truly inspired me to make my own difference in the world, while also giving me hope for the bright future that women have in all communities.”
Global Women’s Summit Event Director ~ Ingun Bol, Netherlands
“When The WIN invited me to be the Global Women’s Summit Event Director in the Netherlands and CEO, Paula Fellingham, told me about their vision of women helping women and families worldwide, there was no doubt in my mind that I would do this.
It has been an amazing and very rewarding journey. Meeting all these fabulous women while preparing the event and meeting with all the award winners was like a gift to me. My network of powerful women grew every day, not just in the Netherlands but worldwide. The energy during the Summit was unstoppable so we all continued to meet together each month after the Summit.”
GWS Event Director ~ Lesley Dewar, Australia
“Money could not buy the amazing expansion of my business and the dramatic widening of my circle of influence that happened because I was the Event Director at a Global Women’s Summit in Australia. We all enjoyed a fabulous event and the networking was superb! I will always be grateful for this wonderful opportunity!”
Cheryl Hargrove, Virginia
“After my husband’s passing I became a widow and learned first hand how to share how I overcame the many challenges and obstacles during the lonely widow’s walk with God. I want to share my success stories of how to overcome financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual attacks that come against widows and how to overcome them with power, joy, and confidence. Than you for your awesome friendship, love, and opportunity to help other women.
Beverly Brink, Merced, CA
“Your trainings are absolutely priceless! I learned more from [the WIN] in a short time than I learned during years of schooling. You have totally changed my life and I can never, ever thank you enough. (My husband thanks you too!) Keep up the great work and let’s take this training to every person on the planet!!”
Juanita VanDomburg, San Francisco, CA
“Before [now], I didn’t really believe I could apply these character-strengthening principles into my life. However, after only two coaching sessions, I know that old dogs can learn new tricks because my life has changed dramatically! I know now that I can do anything! My life is improving daily because I took the time and made the effort to participate in WIN events. Everyone needs this training, but until you attend, you don’t realize how much you need it!”