Inspire and Connect With Women Worldwide,
Exponentially Increase
Your Influence, Recognition, and Income

YOU can reach, teach, and talk with your audiences (face-to-face in real time!) on the ONLY
interactive network created especially for women, by women.

Save Time & Share Your Message With Win Win Women

Our top Show Hosts keep it simple with a strategy that focuses on three essential steps:

Plan, Promote, and Present.

With everything you need at your fingertips—including social media templates and comprehensive resources—showing up confidently and connecting with your audience is easier than ever!

As a Show Host, you’ll be able to deliver high-quality content, keep your audience engaged, and grow your presence—all while keeping your time commitments minimal. And with the full support of Win Win Women, you’ll always have what you need to show up powerfully and succeed as a Show Host.

  • 1. Plan Your Weekly Episode

    Time Needed: 15-30 Minutes
    Outline your talking points, prepare questions for any guests, and review your Show Host portal resources to ensure a smooth, engaging show.

  • 2. Promote Your Show

    Time Needed: 15 Minutes
    Use our ready-made social media templates to share a sneak peek of your episode and build excitement for your upcoming show.

  • 3. Present and Engage

    Time Needed: 1 Hour
    15-30 minute presentation, recorded & archived for on-demand viewing, followed by 30 minute Q & A/conversation.
    Connect directly with your audience in real time, offer your products & services, and become a global influencer.

Are you tired of struggling to be heard online where you want to share your important message, particularly when it comes to making significant differences in the lives of women around the globe?

If you’re one of the many speakers, coaches, authors, content creators or experts who struggle to grow your audience, get clients or referrals, or raise your prices, you’ve likely been thinking the challenge is in marketing yourself, “putting yourself out there”, or possibly even that clients don’t want to invest in themselves.
The truth is that if you struggle to have the kind of impact and income that reflects your expertise and gifts, what you have primarily is an INFLUENCE and RECOGNITION PROBLEM.
Even if you’re already having good results and making a good living, chances are, you sense there’s another level of recognition you could reach.

There's a Transformative Shift Happening in the
33-Billion-Dollar Lifelong Learning Industry

If you work with women, you can't afford not to learn about the
"Interactive Video" Movement that's tapping into the
booming Lifelong Learning Industry.

The lifelong learning industry is surging and is expected to keep growing in our new world
of constant disruption and change.

So, why is it so hard to connect with, and share your message with, the women you're most passionate about serving?

As demand increases for immediate access to solutions through streaming media, so do consumers’ expectations about the results these solutions can provide.
And here’s the thing: the average woman has received so many generic solutions in the past that getting so-so, or even “good” results, simply doesn’t cut it.
Each of your audience members needs to feel confident that she can get the exact solutions she needs by taking the time to listen to your message.

The huge problem is that the current landscape of streaming media presents significant challenges for speakers, coaches, authors, and other experts, who want to share their knowledge and solutions. These platforms fail to provide the necessary tools and support, which hinders experts' ability to share their expertise effectively.

The good news is this: there is a HUGE opportunity right now for experts who understand these gaps and know how to bridge them.
Women make up half of the world’s population and make up the majority of the individuals who are looking for SOLUTIONS for the challenges in their lives – personally and professionally. Women are searching for experts with answers.
And women who can talk with experts right in the moment when they need help most are delighted when they receive immediate answers to their questions.
Yes, the experts who can connect with women right when they have questions and need help most can create extraordinary results, and will have a line of clients waiting to work with them, in any economy.
This is where the Win Win Women Network comes in.
By making the shift to become focused on providing “interactive, face to face solutions” for women as you share your knowledge and expertise through the medium of video streaming, you’ll soon become known as an in-demand expert who knows how to help women get real-time results.

I'm thrilled that you have an interest in unlocking
the true potential of your message with the power of
the Win Win Women Network, a 24/7 live, interactive
platform tailored for YOU.

Hundreds of women like those featured below have
created amazing businesses with this network:

Jeannine Rivers

“I didn’t think I was ready because I had no website, no product, no brand - nothing except my desire to share the life lessons I’ve learned and the belief that I could help other women. Now, I confidently host my own weekly Show, I’m writing my book, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life! (The WIN WIN Women team helped me, just like they promised.)”

Sam Rafoss

“My first reaction to being a Show Host was, ‘I’d love to do this, but I just don't have time! I'm way too busy!’ Back then, I was a podcaster, and like so many podcasters, I wanted to share my messages on video, but I didn't want an audience to see me. Now, I'm completely comfortable hosting my video Show and live conversations with my audience - it's the HIGHLIGHT of my week – I really love it!”

Marina Valdespino

“As soon as I heard about WIN WIN Women, I wanted to use this platform to live-stream! Although I didn’t have the money right then, I scheduled a call and happily learned they have a payment plan! Becoming a Win Win Women live-streamer is the best thing that’s ever happened to my business – now it’s BOOMING!!”

A Note from Paula

Welcome! If we haven’t met before, I’m the Founder of Win Win Women, Dr. Paula Noble Fellingham.

I've spent the past 40 years learning about women in nations worldwide - learning about technology - creating global connections - and ultimately creating this one-of-a-kind interactive in-real-time global women's network based on EdTech.

I humbly believe that there isn’t a woman anywhere who could have birthed a network like Win Win Women because of my knowledge of what women want in every nation, my global relationships, recent AI discoveries, and my business experience.

Here’s a bit about my credentials to create a massive network of women helping women…
My Doctorate of Education is in Human Relations. I’ve spent the past 40+ years working with women internationally as a Global Mentor for Women. I’ve co-presented 400+ live women’s events in 152 nations. I’ve received awards from four Presidents of the United States, I’ve written 8 books, I have 8 children and 26 grandchildren. My personal mission is to love and serve women and families worldwide.
My friends, it’s the wonderful “interactive” approach of Win Win Women that’s unique to our Network. These revolutionary interactive capabilities have enabled me to build a network of thousands of women worldwide, with 1,000,000+ email connections with women in almost every nation.

As the Founder of, I’ve dedicated my career to empowering women by creating platforms for women, like YOU, so you can reach, teach, and talk with millions of women – sharing your important message and improving lives in positive ways. I believe this…

"When the lives of billions of women are improved, the countless positive effects will include more female leadership worldwide, better education and equality for women and girls, healthier national economies, stronger families, and greater global peace.” 

For decades I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of community
and shared knowledge.

I’m now passing on what I’ve built and discovered to YOU!

I want to help you get the results with your online audience (by interacting with them – live!) that you could never achieve, even on huge platforms like YouTube. Your audiences deserve to have the opportunity to talk to you in real time, right when they need solutions the most. And you deserve the joy of knowing that your message is having a powerfully positive impact on the lives of women across the world.

Despite the advancements made over the years, women in 2024 continue to encounter significant challenges compared to their male counterparts when it comes to networking and sharing their message. This disparity persists even though many women are exceptionally skilled and possess strong qualifications in their respective fields.

Qualified women, like you, are looking for more than just career advancement.

Women are seeking validation, empowerment, and a sense of community. 
These are typical problems women had BEFORE they hosted their own Show on the Win Win Women Network.

Frustrated & alone

"I posted my podcast everyday for a year and made almost no progress. I was frustrated and alone, even though I have a message that could really benefit women."

Gap between me & listeners

"It's tough knowing I can't directly talk to and help my audience in real time when they need it most. The gap between me and my audience is disheartening."

Hard to increase reach

"It's frustrating to work so hard on something I'm passionate about, only to see that it's not reaching as many people as I hoped. I feel like I need a team, but that's expensive."

Need More Money

"I've watched others making money with their content and messages. I've tried things that just haven't worked for me. I need help figuring out how I can make more money!"

The Win Win Women Network is a revolutionary way of helping women who are seeking solutions to connect with experts, like you, who provide solutions.

Win Win Women provides you with the business tools, continuous training, and a global Platform where you can assert your capabilities as a leader, and an effective communicator, and share your messages with women internationally who can benefit from your knowledge and expertise.
The global interactive Win Win Women Network we are building allows ANY WOMAN in ANY COUNTRY at ANY TIME of the day or night to ACCESS an EXPERT in real time (live – right when she needs help) ON ANY SUBJECT.
Your prospective clients are yearning for more than just watching videos and getting generic solutions. These women are yearning for real connection, talking face to face, especially when they need urgent help with their problems.
Only Win Win Women provides the streaming platform that allows this interactivity between you and those you help.
Expert women, like yourself, host weekly live video Shows and talk with their live audience.
The benefits for your business are countless!

“Far too few companies or programs have responded to women’s needs for solutions, for training, for products, or for services that are designed especially for them…it would be foolish to ignore or underestimate the female consumer.”

Waiting for Giants Like YouTube to Respond
to the Needs of Women is No Longer a Viable Option

  • The market has changed.
    Are you finding it harder and harder to get women to respond to your marketing? You’re not alone. Consumers’ expectations are at an all-time high, and women’s interests and priorities have shifted significantly. To capture their attention, it’s vital to reassess and update your marketing strategies to resonate with their new preferences.
  • Increased competition.
    To stand out from the crowd, you need one thing: INTERACTION. It’s essential to create an environment where women are not just passive recipients of your message but active participants. This interactivity not only benefits the individual by addressing their specific questions but also enhances the collective experience. The entire audience gains from the shared insights. When women engage with your solutions through meaningful conversations, you make the competition irrelevant and create an impactful connection.
  • The old ways of marketing have stopped working.
    If you want to attract women who take action, it’s critical that you show up where they do and let them know about your solutions. Be prepared to be seen and ready to help.
  • Women have less time and more demands.
    Women don’t always have the time or money to trial-hire a solution provider. That’s why it’s important for you to be willing to share your expertise through video and open up the presentation to answer pre-sale questions women have about your services. This puts you far ahead of the competition.
  • You see women struggling; you yearn to help them with your solutions.
    Women frequently turn to podcasts and videos for advice, yet the biggest strides are made when they can interact directly with experts. Real-time dialogue with a knowledgeable guide provides the personalized support that’s crucial for breakthroughs. The power of connection can’t be underestimated—it’s through these one-on-one interactions that women can find tailored solutions and start their transformative journey.
  • It’s frustrating and expensive to constantly buy ads to get viewers.
    You have put many years into developing your skills, and it’s frustrating to pay behemoths, like YouTube, for viewers that you can’t interact with face to face.

Who Can Benefit From Integrating the Only 24/7 Live, Interactive
Platform Tailored for Experts Into Their Existing Work With Clients?

If you work in any of these areas, adding “interactivity” in your approach will have an immediate impact on your reputation and success, and even your income:

  • Entrepreneur
  • Life Coach
  • Executive Coach
  • Business Coach 
  • Author
  • Speaker
  • Trainer
  • Educator
  • Workshop Facilitator
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Therapist
  • Health Practitioner
  • Expert
  • Course Creator
  • Producer
  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Energy Worker
  • Spiritual Leader
  • Consultant
  • Professor
  • Teacher
  • Researcher
  • Executive
  • Small Business Owner
  • Real Estate Broker
  • Corporate Professional
  • Lawyer
  • Judge
  • Grief Coach
  • Performer
  • Designer
  • Artist
  • Wellness Practitioner
  • Nutritionist
  • Social Worker


Lund, Sweden

WIN WIN Women is my new favorite place online! Imagine
a safe place for women to meet, to get and give support, and to learn from.
This is it – a win-win!

Dr. Annika Sorensen

Win Win Women Show Host


Ogden, Utah

I am over the moon excited about being part of a global movement to unite women,
so we can connect and collaborate and become our best selves!

Emmalou Penrod

Win Win Women Show Host


Ontario, Canada

I am SO ready for a WIN WIN! It’s about time someone created something like this,
especially for women all over the world to safely connect heart-to-heart. Thank you!

Yvonne Heath

Win Win Women Show Host


Austin, Texas

I love WIN WIN Women and everything it stands for! Globally empowering women
with resources to improve their lives is a WIN WIN for everyone, and I am here for that!

Vickie Flaugher

Win Win Women Show Host

The results I've witnessed for these incredible women, and
many more just like them, are why I'm so passionate about the
power of connection and online "interactivity".

I believe that helping YOU to become the leader in your field through providing interactive solutions is one of the keys to my own mission in life…to see the lives of billions of women improved.

I have dedicated the past 20 years to studying how to do this and it truly IS the solution for you as an expert, and for the women you are called to serve.

It’s one of the major keys to my own extraordinary results, and it will be the key to yours, too.
Delhi, India
Belem, Brazil
Atlanta, GA, Pres. George W. Bush's Conference

Win Win Women's Extraordinary Results
Speak for Themselves...

Suzi B

An inspiring testimonial from Suzi B, personal trainer and habits coach, who's part of our vibrant community at Win Win Women.

LeAnn Lyon

A compelling testimonial from LeAnn Lyon, a passionate advocate of Win Win Women, and an entrepreneur just like you

Amber Peterson

Amber Peterson's amazing experience as a Show Host with us at Win Win Women as a Money Mindset Coach. She's enjoyed tremendous growth!

It would be a joy and a true honor for me to show you exactly how to obtain these types of results for your clients - in your business - and in your personal life. I invite you to join me in my mission educate, elevate, and empower women worldwide.

That’s why it’s my pleasure give you the opportunity to live-stream on the #1 interactive global network for women – the Win Win Women Network to have your Show heard on 20 of the biggest podcast platformsto have your own television showand to be a speaker at our national and international events.

Up until now, the only way you could have your own television show was to pay up to $30,000+.
This is a magnificent opportunity that’s never been offered before.
The Win Win Women Network was created so experts, like you, can reach, teach, and talk with women in every nation. 
We are dedicated and committed to giving our experts FAR more opportunities to have global impacts than any other women’s network, and we’re thrilled that you’ve prepared yourself so well! 
We honor you for the time and effort you’ve made to be ready to host your own weekly show – your TV show – and to stand on stages worldwide, sharing your important life-changing message.
We will welcome you as a Show Host on the Win Win Women Network with open arms and loving hearts!

As a Show Host & Speaker on the Win Win Women Network, You Are...

The Host of Your Own Live Weekly Show
The Host of Your Own TV Show
A Podcaster on All Major Podcast Platforms
A Speaker at National and International Events

Grow Your Business With Win Win Women!

Are you passionate about sharing your message and expertise with women who need your help?

Are you ready to start educating, elevating, and empowering women on a global scale?

Are you excited about having your own TV Show and speaking on international stages?

Women in other, smaller networks (not interactive) are paying as much as $30,000 just to have their own TV Shows – without receiving ALL the other benefits we give our Show Hosts!

I’m inviting you now to apply to become a Show Host on the world’s #1 global, interactive network created especially for women, by women.

For a limited time, we’re offering an exclusive discount to women experts who are eager to step into the spotlight.

As a Show Host, you’ll receive ALL the many, valuable things and opportunities listed above, AND you’ll be able to connect with audiences who are seeking the solutions (and products!) you offer.

Additionally, you’ll be able to engage in meaningful conversations with your audiences in real time (you can’t do that on YouTube :-).

As a Show Host you can make profound improvements in the lives of women worldwide.



You Can Make Money 5 Ways!
  1. You can tell your audiences about your products and services for 5 minutes of each half hour of your weekly video Show (and it will be on your podcast). You can give audiences your website, explain how they can work with you as a client, etc.  

  2. As a Win Win Women Show Host you can keep 100% of your sales as a speaker at Corporate Win Win Women Events.

  3. You can host your own Win Win Women events (locally, or anywhere in the world!) and make $$$ from the gate, from sponsors, and from selling your products and services. (Our Event Director helps you every step of the way!)

  4. You can make money by having your products and services in our WIN WIN Store.

  5. As a Win Win Women Affiliate (free to join) you can make thousand$ every month by just referring (not selling) other experts who become Show Hosts.





Multi Purpose Your Weekly Show to Massively Expand Your Reach


Enjoy Access to Valuable, Ongoing Show Trainings

Module #1 – Part 1 Getting Started with Win Win Women

  • Lesson 1 – Show Format & Rules
  • Lesson 2 – Basics of Being on Video
  • Lesson 3 – How to Create Your Home Studio
  • Lesson 4 – Zoom Tips on Energy & Presentation
  • Lesson 5 – 10 Keys for Effective Presentations
  • Lesson 6 – Tips on Organizing Show Content
  • Lesson 7 – Show and Speaker Presentation Skills


Module #2 – Part 2 Getting Started with Win Win Women


  • Lesson 1 – Set Up Your Show & Create Your Profile
  • Lesson 2 – Guest Protocols
  • Lesson 3 – Guidelines for Substitutes, Pre-Recording & Emergencies 
  • Lesson 4 – Live Audience & Viewers Guidelines
  • Lesson 5 – Show Sponsor Guidelines
  • Lesson 6 – First Episode Evaluation 


Module #3 – Part 3 Getting Started with Win Win Women 

  • Lesson 1: You – a TV Show Host!


Have Exclusive Access to the Win Win Women Speaker & Business Development School (SBDS)

Module #1Marketing & Sales Training that WORKS!

Module #2How to Be a Highly Effective Speaker 

Module #3How to Grow Your Business and Your Wealth  

Module #4How to Powerfully Communicate and Negotiate 

Module #5Keys to Self Mastery


You Can Host Your Own Win Win Women Event in your community or anywhere in the world!


You Will Receive Additional Marketing Trainings and Business Resources


  • Lesson # 1 – Leveraging Your Show to Grow Your Business
  • Lesson # 2 – How to Use FB Live to Promote Your Show Before You Go LIVE 
  • Lesson # 3 – How to Create Episode Promo Graphics
  • Lesson # 4 – 3 Excellent Ways to Promote Your Show
  • Lesson # 5 – Get Social With Us!
    7 Ways to Promote Your Show
    30-day LinkedIn Posting Plan Template
  • Lesson # 6 – Promoting YOU Inside Win Win Women
    Guest speaking on our SBDS Trainings
    Announcing Your Show inside the Show Host FB Group
    Share Your Message and Your Mission on our Monthly Networking Calls

Tech Resources

  • How to Share a Video on Zoom (live)
  • Video Settings for Zoom
  • Green Screen Video Settings



Learn from Experts on our Monthly Speaker and Business Training Calls


Enjoy fabulous Monthly MASTERMIND calls!


Enjoy wonderful Monthly Networking calls!


You Can Access Our Private Facebook Group

Only Win Win Women Show Hosts Receive These Added Bonuses:

Be Spotlighted! You AND Your Show
Enjoy Having Your Show Promoted on Social Media
Monthly Calls with Our Executive Team

You know that you have the expertise and passion to share your message.
But you may be wondering…

Will This Work For Me?

How much time will it take to be a Win Win Women Host?

Your Show is one hour each week – 15 to 30 minute presentation/content; 30 – 45 minute conversation with your audience.

What will it cost to be a Show Host?*

For a limited time we have reduced the start-up fee of $1,997 to only $997. There is an additional monthly fee to continue producing your weekly Show, and promoting you, etc. You can choose from 3 subscription plans, starting at only $97/month for continuous support, marketing, and much more. You are paying for the opportunity to have a weekly live interactive video show, a television show on ROKU, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV, to speak on local, national, and international stages, and to be part of a global community and to be highlighted as an expert in your field on the #1 live-streaming network for women in the world.

What if I'm sick or away from my Show?

We understand life happens and we give you grace. You need to have a minimum of 37 weeks of new content yearly. You can have someone fill in for you on the weeks you are away as a guest host (like another Show Host or talented colleague).

Tell me about my reach. Where is my Show going to be broadcast?
about my reach. Where is my Show going to be broadcast?
  1. Win Win Women Network ( – livestream & on-demand)
  2. Win Win Women Podcast (on 20+ listening apps)
  3. Win Win Women app on Roku, Apple TV, and FireTV (livestream)
Can I take the audio of the Show?

Yes! You have access to all your video files when you record on our platform. You can re-purpose your content with the audio, video, and transcript files to use how you would like to use your content.

How much traffic do you get? (I've never heard of Win Win Women) 

We are the #1 live-streaming network for women in the world. Win Win Women launched in 2022. We are growing rapidly; currently we have ~30,000 visits every month.

I'm not technical - will somebody help me do the tech part?

YES! We have easy to follow training setting up your Show. You are required to run your video Show yourself – we utilize Zoom, and you will need to know the basics of using it.

How is being a Show Host different than being a podcaster? (I already have a podcast.)

Unlike podcasters, you will never have to struggle with your Show alone. Win Win Women is a women’s network that provides expert women an exclusive, global community of fellow Show Hosts. You will be the expert on your own live, interactive video Show. Women in your audience can talk with you in real time. Also, your Win Win Women video Show can be seen on ROKU, Fire TV, and Apple TV stations. Additionally, as a Win Win Women Show Host you’ll be able to speak on national and international stages as part of a global community of women who educate, elevate, and empower other women, worldwide.

How does the Affiliate Program work?

You’ll receive a payout for every referral who buys a yearly subscription through your affiliate link.

How does Win Win Women help me with marketing my Show?
  1. Social Media posts with your Show link
  2. Features in blogs
  3. On Air Today – Daily Win Win
  4. General SEO/promos/ads/podcast
  5. Social Media video snippets of different Shows
  6. Future – Facebook Live with our Show Hosts to introduce them
While we bring awareness to your Show, increasing our reach and highlighting our Shows on our platforms, you”ll get the best results by letting your friends/family/colleagues/clients know about your Show and sending them reminders to attend. This group of people who already know you will see the larger groups of unknown people we bring awareness to. Being on the Win Win Women Network helps you position yourself as an expert, grow your authority, and your business.
What kind of audience demographics does your network attract?

Our network attracts a diverse audience spanning various demographics and interests, providing you with the opportunity to reach a broad range of viewers. We aim to attract all women of all ages looking to learn, grow, connect and be inspired on any topic.

What kind of analytics and insights do you provide for tracking Show performance?

You will have access to your own analytical dashboard with your show views, page views and Live attendees in Zoom. 

We Believe in You!

Disclaimer: The content of all Shows and each episode on the WIN WIN Women Network (WWWN) represent the opinions of the individual Show Hosts/Presenters and/or Guests, and are not the beliefs, opinions or perspectives of WWWN, its owners, agents, partners, employees, affiliates, or representatives.

©Copyright 2024 Win Global Networks + Win Win Women.